We all know that selling a home is everything but easy, but there are tricks to make it go smoother and quicker than expected. Thankfully, there are some effective selling strategies to get that amazing sale you envisioned. After setting up adequate lighting that highlights the incredible features of your home and taking care of minor updates, your home will really start to shine.
So if you’re looking to get your hands on some Back Bay real estate or Beacon Hill real estate and leave your old home behind (or vice-versa), these tips have your back. Check out the guide below to give your listing a major boost.
Strategically present your home
To get the most views of your gorgeous property, you’ll want to show it in its best light. Things like moving furniture and tidying up are great, but there’s a whole lot more you could do to boost your listing. Although the luxury homes in Back Bay real estate or Beacon Hill real estate are already incredible, with gorgeous landscaping and upscale features galore, it’s still important to market your home effectively to garner the most offers. After all, for buyers, purchasing a home is a very visual, hands-on process, so appealing to the senses is the ultimate way to win over their hearts.
Don’t neglect the closets
Yes, closets are hidden away in the dark and only matter when it comes time to get dressed and head out the door. Don’t fall under this trap; closets hold a lot more potential in a home selling process than you would believe. No matter who will become your future buyer, everyone always checks out the closet space and tries to imagine all their belongings crammed in there.
More often than not, homeowners leave these small spaces completely cluttered with their own belongings, leaving buyers to envision the space decluttered and cleared out on their own. If you instead take the time to clear out your closets before showing your home, this can increase buyer interest. After all, who doesn’t like a big closet, especially a closet with built-in shelves for organization and extra space?
Invest in lighting
It’s no secret — buyers not only love spacious homes, but they also love bright, spacious homes. Adequate lighting makes a space look more open and inviting. Investing in fantastic lighting in every room can make all the difference, and we mean every room. Even if it means just turning on all of your lights for a showing, any illumination counts.
If you want to take this a step further and ensure that potential buyers consider your home as their top pick, you might want to run to the store for a quick lighting shopping spree. Things like elegant lamps in dark corners or a bright, neutral dining table fixture could be all your space needs to take your home to the next level.
Plus, before showings, let in the glorious natural light! Open your blinds and curtains and let the sun shine through.
Conceal evidence of pets
While most of us love our furry friends, not all potential buyers are fans of pets. More importantly, some are simply allergic, and any evidence of fur and dander in your home might instantly turn a potential buyer away. Plus, regardless of the buyer, we all know that pets influence the vibe of a space. From stains to pet odor, it doesn’t hurt to clean up any evidence thoroughly. While it’s undoubtedly hard to do this when you love your furry friends so dearly, this tip has been proven to work over and over again.
Make minor updates
When we say minor, we mean minor. Frequently, sellers invest in major updates only to find out that their investments may not have been worth the effort or the money in terms of return on investment. Minor upgrades, like fresh wall paint or a new pool lining, are small things that can really enhance any property’s appeal. Often, buyers notice the small stuff, like whether the walls were painted neatly (and recently).
Turn your home into a house
While this seems counterintuitive, you’ll want to depersonalize your home. Personalization only “works” when it’s yours, so you can’t expect a complete stranger to find your personality or family life all that heartwarming. Better yet, you might want to take down your family photos or anything that screams, “this house is mine and not yours.”
While buyers are looking to find their home, they’re not looking for yours — they’re just simply looking for a property to call their own. Although this process is challenging, especially when you might have to live in the depersonalized space for a bit, it’s well worth the extra effort. Removing personal memorabilia and photos from the space can help potential buyers envision your space as their home, filled with their own personal belongings. After all, humans are naturally selfish when it comes to their purchases, so always remember that this is about them, not you.
Ready for the next steps?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of these tips? Because there’s a whole lot to handle when selling your home, you might not want to juggle it all yourself. Leaning on a real estate expert like Dylan Costello is your ticket to selling your home in no time. While these tips and tricks are proven to help push along any home sale, there’s nothing quite like partnering with an incredible agent who can help you explore all of the strategies that best fit your property. On the flip side, if you’re looking to get ahold of any Back Bay real estate or Beacon Hill real estate, Dylan and his team can manage that, too. Reach out to the Dylan Costello team today for any and all of your concerns.
*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock